This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to add new users to the Load Manager TMS system. Managing user accounts is a fundamental task that allows administrators to control access, assign roles, and ensure team members can effectively collaborate within the platform.
Before adding a user:
You need to be logged in with administrator privileges. If you lack these permissions, contact your system administrator.
You need to have the necessary user details ready, including their name, address, email, and the role that will be assigned to them.
Steps to Add a User:
1. From the main dashboard, click the Users button.
2. On the top left of the page, find and click the "New User" button.
3. Complete the required fields in the user creation form (click on image below for a clear view):
4. From the role dropdown menu, select the appropriate role for the user.
Some Options include:
Sales Representative
Finance Department
Data Entry
5. Set the "Active" dropdown to "True"
6. Click the "Save" or "Save & Exit" button to finalize the process.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
If you encounter problems while adding a user, consider these solutions:
Verify that the email isn’t already linked to an existing account.
Ensure all mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk) are completed before saving.
Confirm you have the permissions required to create a new user; if you don't, request assistance from an admin.
Best Practices
To optimize user management and security:
Use strong, unique passwords for each account to enhance security.
Periodically review user roles to ensure they reflect current team responsibilities.
Adding users to Load Manager TMS is a straightforward process that involves accessing the User section, entering user details, and assigning an appropriate role. By following these steps, you can onboard team members and maintain a secure, organized system with ease. For additional help, reach out to our support team or explore related knowledgebase articles on topics like editing user profiles or managing permissions.